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The Gospel According to twilight - I'm Only Half Of Me
The Gospel According to twilight - I'm Only Half Of Me
by SPCK - Elaine Heath
I’m Only Half of Me Chapter Two The Dread of Being Single in Twilight In Twilight, as we’ve seen, the basic unit of the Good Family is a man and woman paired for eternity. At the heart of the narrative universe of family life is the expectation that all “normal” people are with p
Psalms for Everyone - Silence toward God
Psalms for Everyone - Silence toward God
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Silence toward God Psalm 62 A friend of mine has gone on a month’s silent retreat (he is answering e-mails, which seems a bit like cheating, but then maybe so is reading or listening to talks). He needs to know what is to be the next stage in his life and his service of God, and
John for Everyone part 2 - Love One Another
John for Everyone part 2 - Love One Another
by SPCK - N T Wright
Love One Another John 13.31-38 The question from the Greeks at the feast told Jesus that his time had come (12.23). In the same way, the disappearance of Judas, going out into the night, tells Jesus that his time, his great moment, is rushing upon him like a tidal wave. As the do
LWPT Meditations - Sunday Before Advent - Year A
LWPT Meditations - Sunday Before Advent - Year A
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – Sunday before advent Year A Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24 Psalm 95 or 100 Ephesians 1: 15-23 Matthew 25: 31-46 There is a message of intense intimacy, and some startling surprises, in the Bible readings for this week. Ezekiel paints an amazingly tender portrait of the Lor
Monologue: Martha and Mary
Monologue: Martha and Mary
by Andrew Pratt
Monologue: Martha and Mary. Ah, a woman's work. Well the place for a woman is in the kitchen isn't it? Who sweeps a room as for The Lord makes that and the action fine. Bring back the drawing room I say, where after eating our fill, thank you ladies, we might withdraw, take port,
Past, present, future, through all time transcending
Past, present, future, through all time transcending
by Andrew Pratt
Past, present, future, through all time transcending: ground of all being, and source of our life lover and loving, in all love abiding, born into earth-time, humanity's strife. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: STEWARDSHIP; EPIPHANY HYMN Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words
Psalms for Everyone - How to Pray for the Government
Psalms for Everyone - How to Pray for the Government
by SPCK - John Goldingay
How to Pray for the Government Psalm 72: 1-17 The phrase “It’s the economy, stupid,” played a key role in Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign. Most people are not really interested in foreign policy or other such important issues but in whether they are feeling financially
PAUL AND THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD - From Worldview to Theology
PAUL AND THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD - From Worldview to Theology
by SPCK - N T Wright
Part 1: PAUL AND HIS WORLD Chapter One RETURN OF THE RUNAWAY? 2 Philemon and the Study of Paul (iii) From Worldview to Theology The particular claim of the present book, then, embodied in the transition between Part II and Part III, is that when we understand the worldview of Pau
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - Proper 14 year A
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - Proper 14 year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
Twelve Months of Sundays – Year A Ordinary Time Proper 14 Genesis 37.1–4, 12–28 Romans 10.5–15 Matthew 14.22–33 A recently published letter from Qumran (4QMMT) helps us to see what Paul is talking about here. It mostly contains priestly regulations. But the last part is a fresh t
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 16 The Causes of the Misconception
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 16 The Causes of the Misconception
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Causes of the Misconception Why then the problem? In particular, why have so many scholars been coy, to say the least, about ‘events’ in the gospels being actual events, rather than simply fictions in the minds of the evangelists?…
Meeting God in Paul - 3c Living in the new creation
Meeting God in Paul - 3c Living in the new creation
by SPCK - Rowan Williams
Living in the new creation In 2 Corinthians 5.17, Paul says that to be baptized in commitment to Jesus is to become or to be involved in a ‘new creation’. Everything is beginning again because the real universe (as distinct from the fantasy world of our fear, selfishness, greed,
Mere Apologetics - 3 The Theological Basis of Apologetics
Mere Apologetics - 3 The Theological Basis of Apologetics
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
The Theological Basis of Apologetics Apologetics is not a set of techniques for winning people to Christ. It is not a set of argumentative templates designed to win debates. It is a willingness to work with God in helping people discover and turn to his glory…
Great Christian Thinkers - 54 John of Salisbury
Great Christian Thinkers - 54 John of Salisbury
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
John of Salisbury We shall become acquainted here with John of Salisbury, who belonged to one of the most important schools of philosophy and theology of the Middle Ages, that of the Cathedral of Chartres in France. Like the theologians of whom I have spoken in the past few chapt
Great Christian Thinkers - 56 St. Francis of Assisi
Great Christian Thinkers - 56 St. Francis of Assisi
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St. Francis of Assisi Here I present the figure of Francis, an authentic “giant” of holiness, who continues to fascinate a great many people of all age groups and every religion… Taken from Great Christian Thinkers by Pope Benedict XVI
Letters to London - A friendship to be grateful for: Bonhoeffer’s letters to Ernst Cromwell
Letters to London - A friendship to be grateful for: Bonhoeffer’s letters to Ernst Cromwell
by SPCK - Stephen J.Plant and Toni Burrowes-Cromwell
A friendship to be grateful for: Bonhoeffer’s letters to Ernst Cromwell That I got to know your father and mother and all of you has become very important to me, especially in these times…
Lectio Divina the Sacred Art - 4 THE ROLE OF SPIRITUAL PRACTICE
Lectio Divina the Sacred Art - 4 THE ROLE OF SPIRITUAL PRACTICE
by Christine Valters Painter
THE ROLE OF SPIRITUAL PRACTICE In his book Worship and Spirituality, theologian Don Saliers describes spirituality as “our embodied humanity fully alive before God and neighbour, stretched by story, stretched by touch, stretched by song, stretched by eating and drinking, bathing,